TNPSC Photo Compressor – Resize Photos for TNPSC Applications

TNPSC Photo Compressor – Resize and Compress Your Image

TNPSC Photo Compressor

Resize and compress your photo to meet the TNPSC guidelines (165×94 pixels, 20kb – 40kb).

Compressed Image:

How to Use:

  1. Click the “Upload Image” button and select the photo you want to compress.
  2. Make sure your image meets TNPSC guidelines (JPEG/JPG format).
  3. Click the “Compress Image” button to resize and compress your photo to the required size.
  4. Once the image is compressed, a preview will be shown below.
  5. Click the “Download Compressed Image” link to save the compressed photo to your device.
  6. You can now upload the compressed image to your TNPSC application.

Are you applying for the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) and need to resize your photo to meet the application requirements? Use our free online TNPSC Photo Compressor to easily compress and resize your images to the required dimensions without compromising quality. Compress your images to the required size (20kb – 50kb, 165×94 pixels) and download them instantly, ready for upload on the TNPSC application portal.

TNPSC Photo Requirements:

Image Size: 20kb – 50kb

Dimensions: 165×94 pixels (width x height)

Format: JPEG, JPG

This tool helps ensure your photo meets the TNPSC guidelines and is ready for submission.

Key Features of the Page:

Mobile-Responsive Design: The page should look great on all screen sizes (desktop, tablet, and mobile).

Error Handling: The code should handle user input errors gracefully (e.g., if the user uploads a non-image file).

Cross-Browser Compatibility: It should work across different browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.

User Instructions: Clear and concise instructions on how to use the photo compressor.

Compression and Download Functionality: It should compress the image and allow the user to download it without issues.

TNPSC Photo Compressor - Resize Photos for TNPSC Applications