Last Chance to Apply for CEO & Procurement Sales Manager Positions in Krishnagiri

If you’re eyeing the positions of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or Procurement Sales Manager (PSM) with the Vaazhndhu Kaattuvom Project in Krishnagiri District, today is the crucial day to act. Tomorrow, September 5, 2024, is the absolute last date to submit your application for these exciting opportunities.

Recruitment NameChief Executive Officer (CEO) and Procurement Sales Manager (PSM)
Recruitment DepartmentVaazhndhu Kaattuvom Project, Krishnagiri District
Post NameCEO, PSM
Advertisement NumberNot specified
Number of VacanciesCEO: 2 positions, PSM: 1 position
Recruitment TypeConsolidated Pay Basis
Salary SlabCEO: ₹15,000 per month + 5% incentive, PSM: ₹8,000 per month + ₹2,000 Travelling Allowance + 5% incentive
Age CriteriaUp to 35 years
Application WindowEnd Date: 05/09/2024
Selection StagesApplication Review, Interview
Date of ExamNot applicable
Official SiteAnnouncement and Application PDF

This is your final opportunity to apply for these positions with the Vaazhndhu Kaattuvom Project. Don’t let this chance slip away—take action now and submit your Krishnagiri District CEO & PSM application by the end of the day.

Last Date for Application Submission: September 5, 2024

If you wish to apply for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or Procurement Sales Manager (PSM) positions, you must submit your application by the end of the day tomorrow. Ensure you do not miss this deadline.

Vacancies Available:

  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO): 2 Positions
  • Procurement Sales Manager (PSM): 1 Position

Eligibility Criteria:

  • For CEO: Degree in B.Sc (Agriculture) or Horticulture, or BBA/MBA with good computer and accounting skills. Age up to 35 years. Experience in FPO management is required.
  • For PSM: Degree in B.Sc (Agriculture) or Horticulture, or BBA/MBA with good computer and accounting skills. Age up to 35 years. Experience in FPO management is required. A two-wheeler and valid license are needed.


  • CEO: ₹15,000 per month with a 5% performance-based incentive.
  • PSM: ₹8,000 per month + ₹2,000 for travelling allowance with a 5% performance-based incentive.

How to Apply Krishnagiri District CEO & PSM Recruitment 2024

  1. Prepare Your Application: Complete your resume and application as per the prescribed format.
  2. Include All Necessary Documents: Attach all required documents, including educational certificates and proof of identity.
  3. Submit Your Application: Email your application to or send it by postal service to the Vaazhndhu Kaattuvom Project office at VPRC Building, Near Rayakottai Flyover, Krishnagiri.

Contact Information:

  • Phone: 04343-296718, 04342-294719
  • Email:
  • Postal Address: Vaazhndhu Kaattuvom Project, VPRC Building, Near Rayakottai Flyover, Krishnagiri

Final Steps to Apply Krishnagiri CEO & PSM Recruitment

  1. Make sure your Krishnagiri CEO & PSM Recruitment application is finalized and includes all required documents.
  2. Ensure your CEO & PSM Recruitment application is sent by the end of the day tomorrow, September 5, 2024.
  3. After submission, confirm that your Krishnagiri District (VAAZHDHU KAATTUVOM PROJECT) application has been received. If you do not receive confirmation, follow up promptly.

Visit the TSWREIS homepage to find the information you need.

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